In the beginning...
Published on October 9, 2008 By Skinhit In WinCustomize Talk

Happy Birthday brother, hope you enjoy it!!!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Oct 09, 2008

bubbler is known as drinking fountain

learn something new every day.

on Oct 09, 2008

 Happy B Day

on Oct 09, 2008

Happy birthday Angus!

on Oct 09, 2008

Happy birthday old timer.

on Oct 09, 2008

Have a great one Angus, many happy returns on your birthday.


isn't that supposed to have the word *old* in front of it?

In North America, it carries the connotation of an old person. So putting old in front of it would seem redundant.

Actually putting old in front is not redundant: geezer is an old fart.... and old geezer is an ancient old fart.... and ancient old geezer is a near-fossilised old fart....

So in the grand scheme of things, Angus is a meezer... a middle-aged old fart,

on Oct 10, 2008

My deepest thanks to everyone who responded.  Things have been rough lately on the health front   so it's uplifting to see that people do care.

By the way, upon checking a lot of profiles, I'd like to know where you guys come off with the geezer description.    Myself, I consider it a blessing to have made it this far.  It's not the norm to be able to abuse something so hard for so long and still have it funtioning on a servicable level.  I went way past my "live hard, die young and look good in the box" philosophy.  So now it's "take it easy, medicate for as many years as you can get, close the box lid and put a picture on it from thirty years ago".

on Oct 10, 2008

well...keep medicating mate...we've been missing you around here....hope you're back to fighting fit soon......

on Oct 10, 2008



  I second what Sydney said!!!

By the way, upon checking a lot of profiles, I'd like to know where you guys come off with the geezer description.

mmm...I think there are alot of them there types here!!!


Actually putting old in front is not redundant: geezer is an old fart.... and old geezer is an ancient old fart.... and ancient old geezer is a near-fossilised old fart....

... that's about right Mr.Starkers!!!

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