In the beginning...

I need help please....I'm trying to create an IP using Bryce6 and the icons have a great quality, however when I create a preview from bryce to my image editor all I get is a very jagged preview and I cant figure out why? I do walls in Bryce all the time and create previews for them the same way with no jagged edges... It's driving me crazy, can someone offer any advice as I want my previews to reflect the same quality the Icon has....Please,please,please, thanks, Skinny

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on May 14, 2009

Im using bryce5.5 but may be this would help you out.

Under document setup, Antialiasing, check the box next to superfine instead of normal and render.

Make sure you are trying to export the image in the same resolution you want for the preview in your image editor.

on May 14, 2009

Under document setup, Antialiasing, check the box next to superfine instead of normal and render

Have done that...didnt help.

Make sure you are trying to export the image in the same resolution you want for the preview in your image editor.

still no...

thank you for your time Amitsaran



on May 14, 2009

Hey Skinhit, I have a couple thoughts but hands on would be easier for me, could ya fire me one of the Bryce files for me to play with.  sjmcavan at hotmail dot com

And the steps you are taking to try to make the preview.

on May 14, 2009

thanks Cav...youve got mail!

on May 14, 2009

Got it, just doing a quick render then will see the results I get with a couple methods.

on May 14, 2009

Hey Skinhit, ya are not going to like hearing this, I think maybe something is borked with your image editor saving as a jpg. After rendering I saved image, as a bitmap, from Bryce to folder and exported to folder also, then opened both in Paint Shop Pro X2 to save as a jpg, even at default compression of 20 I am getting a good quality jpg. With compression at the lowest/best quality setting of 1, when viewed in windows pic viewer I can not tell the difference between the bmp and jpg.

Unless there is something different you are doing that I could give a try.

on May 14, 2009

Do you have a  screenshot of the jagged image?

Waht resolution are they and wahts your image editor?

I converted the icon to a png and got a decent png file up to 256x256.  I did get some kinda goofy error in ID when I tried to open it about the resolution bening '200' and it was supposed to be lower or higher. I haven't been able to duplicate that yet. I was able to comvert the png back to an icon with no problem. Here's a shot...


I hope I am following what you are saying. Let me know.



Oh..and I hate you and hope this was no help at all. And all that stuff there.

on May 14, 2009

Hey Skinhit, ya are not going to like hearing this, I think maybe something is borked with your image editor saving as a jpg. After rendering I saved image, as a bitmap, from Bryce to folder and exported to folder also, then opened both in Paint Shop Pro X2 to save as a jpg, even at default compression of 20 I am getting a good quality jpg. With compression at the lowest/best quality setting of 1, when viewed in windows pic viewer I can not tell the difference between the bmp and jpg.

Unless there is something different you are doing that I could give a try.


Damn Cavan...Can you recommend a good free image editor?

on May 14, 2009

Do you have a screenshot of the jagged image?

yes the preview on the icon in the gallery....

Waht resolution are they and wahts your image editor?

256x256 for the icon and 1050x1050 on the screenie and my image editor is art explosion publisher pro...

so can you recommend a free image editor?

and thanks for the help! I hate you too!

on May 14, 2009

so can you recommend a free image editor?

If iI had to take a guess, it's the 'resolution'. It's high. What you listed (256x256) is your pixel dimensions. In PS,  the pixel dimensions and the resolution are two seperate things.When ever I do something in a 300 resolution, I get almost the same effect. I go over the jagged edges with my blur tool at a soft setting. Does it do the same if you make the preview , say 750x750 or smaller?

so can you recommend a free image editor? - is the hot one right now. They call it the PS killer. As of last month, you can open photoshop files in it. The set-up and tools is very similar to PS. Check out these articles on it at Lifehacker.


Someone over at DA had the same issue with her renders. I will try to look and see if I can find it. She found a solution for it after a while.

on May 15, 2009

I'll be back

on May 15, 2009

It's like night and day...this was done in

on May 15, 2009

.this was done in

on May 15, 2009

thanks for your help!

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