In an effort to be positive, share just one good thing that happened to you today!
For me...I had jury duty, showed up, was told it was cancelled, collected a $35 check.
I got a double pick in this week's TWIS!!!!! I feel good!!!!
my wife is my moon and my daughter my sunshine...
my wife is my true love and my dogs are my kids....
my one good thing for today is that I did'nt pick on skinhit
As for me?
I did a shop of Smedley. Now I feel good.
Mooning your wife? Brave soul..
Are you Karen Rogers?
Bought my wife a new 23" ASUS monitor to replace her 17" Dell model. She's thrilled............
Been working on a digital abstract piece. Got a little more accomplished, but need to better the composition.But all in all a very productive day. Nice post Jack.
I mooned my doctor once (to get a boil lanced). In that instance.... he was the brave soul... stupendously courageous, in fact.
started on a new piece of artwork today, going back to my roots so to speak, drawing freehand, and Im loving it! my new piece is a wikked guy playing a guitar on top of a mountain of skulls.........yummy cant wait to submit when shes done.
also, i got chemical straightener in my hair right now..........cant wait to have shiny dead straight hair, curly fuzzy hair is reallly ugly.........oh and impossible to deal with too xx
A Friend made an awesome gesture of generosity.
When my kids discovered I was feeling down today, they ran out and bought me ice cream as a surprise.