In the beginning...
Published on April 27, 2010 By Skinhit In WinCustomize Talk

Well I can honestly say that in the last six years if it wasnt for WC and my many friends. life would not be the same as it is now. You have enriched my life, my trade and my internet etiquitte (which may have gotten away from me at times) Nonetheless, I have been given some peace from all of this. That being said... For many reasons, I must go on with life and not skinning. Theres nothing personal about it. Its just time for me to hang up my artists palette and satchel of virtual brushes and go forward with this next phase of my life. I will forever carry things that members and WC and the skinning community as a whole have taught me. So thank you Frogboy, Vstyler, Po Smedley, A/V man, Jafo, Xiandi, Starkers Crew, Cplair, Brickhead, Willistuder, Pinch, Adni, Snowey, Messy, Javi, Dario, Doc, Zubaz, Webgizmos, Zakai, Sydney, Mr.Skope, Bebop, Verv, Stramp, Kitty and PJDark!!! Its truly hard to put everyone on this list...But all the while this whole community made a big difference in my life...Thank you sincerely and I love you...See you where it counts...Peace, Jack Nolan

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 27, 2010

Jack, you will be sorely missed. Your icons are the best ever. They cover everything from A to Z and it seems that some of them work on 7 for things that weren't even invented yet when you made them, if that makes sense.

Your work is appreciated, and the antics of Po and Skinhit will always bring a smile to my face! I hope you think of me as a friend, as I do you, and tho I'm not in your list....I'm sure I'm on one of your "lists".

May life take you where you want to be, and may you always remember.... have friends here at WC! 

Keep in touch Dude! I think you have my email.    

on Apr 27, 2010

Safe travels Jack.  God Bless!

on Apr 27, 2010

Best wishes on your future endeavors.

on Apr 27, 2010

You will of course be missed Jack...but I completely understand where your coming from...and sooner or later we all come to that road. But the road your taking is much more fulfilling...where you can actually reach out and touch someone's life and have a broader impact. I know we haven't had much in the way of correspondence back and forth but your more than welcome to drop a line once in awhile if you feel the urge. So take care Jack and best wishes for you in the future. 

on Apr 27, 2010

bye darlin.......i luv you. xxx

on Apr 27, 2010

this is  a shock I can't believe that I just read his,  you will be missed by all and touched  our hearts  in so many of us with your skinning and icons. safe travels in  which ever way you go but dont forget to come back and see us, I/ we miss ya already

on Apr 27, 2010

I dunno, Jack, what to say, what to say???

I've always loved your work and your contributions in the forums, especially all that stuff with Po, so yeah, I'm gonna miss all that.... 'kin heaps.

Ya know, Jack, I don't want yer to go, but ya gotta do what yer gotta do. 

Yup, I blame Skinhit for this!!!   He just doesn't get it, and has no business taking you away from your adoring fans. 

It's all his fault, Jack, not yours.... so if you can ever escape his evil influence, Jack, please come back to all those here at WC who love you just as much back.

on Apr 27, 2010

You know I will miss you. Take care, hun.

on Apr 27, 2010

Don't say goodbye, just 'au revoir'.

on Apr 27, 2010

I'm grateful for yoru freindship and yoru contributions to the commmunity.

You are always welcome back.

Safe travels!

on Apr 27, 2010

Sooner or later, we all move on.. to somewhere else, I wish you happiness.

Happy trails Jack.

on Apr 27, 2010

No matter where you go.......

.....there you are....


Take care, mate.

We'll still be you can always drop in....

on Apr 27, 2010

I can only echo the remarks of those who have all ready replied.  Your talent and skill and community participation will be greatly missed.  We all move on because it's what we do. 

I wish you sunny days and cool nights as you travel on down the road of life.  Take care and be well and always be Skinhit.

on Apr 27, 2010

Farewell Skinhit, keep cool

on Apr 27, 2010

happy trails Skinhit, thank you for your contributions and the sharing of your knowledge.

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