In the beginning...
Published on April 27, 2010 By Skinhit In WinCustomize Talk

Well I can honestly say that in the last six years if it wasnt for WC and my many friends. life would not be the same as it is now. You have enriched my life, my trade and my internet etiquitte (which may have gotten away from me at times) Nonetheless, I have been given some peace from all of this. That being said... For many reasons, I must go on with life and not skinning. Theres nothing personal about it. Its just time for me to hang up my artists palette and satchel of virtual brushes and go forward with this next phase of my life. I will forever carry things that members and WC and the skinning community as a whole have taught me. So thank you Frogboy, Vstyler, Po Smedley, A/V man, Jafo, Xiandi, Starkers Crew, Cplair, Brickhead, Willistuder, Pinch, Adni, Snowey, Messy, Javi, Dario, Doc, Zubaz, Webgizmos, Zakai, Sydney, Mr.Skope, Bebop, Verv, Stramp, Kitty and PJDark!!! Its truly hard to put everyone on this list...But all the while this whole community made a big difference in my life...Thank you sincerely and I love you...See you where it counts...Peace, Jack Nolan

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 27, 2010


Like Essorant said, just say "Au Revior", you never know when you might come back again.  Your work is fantastic and will really be missed.  Best of luck to you!

on Apr 27, 2010

Vaya con Dios Jack

on Apr 27, 2010

The loss of your talent and humor will not go unnoticed.   Thanks for enriching my experience here at WC. The best of luck and good health to you, sir.

on Apr 27, 2010

Go with our blessings. See ya on the funway.

on Apr 27, 2010

A whole lot of people are going to miss you and your work, and hope that it is "au revoir" and not goodbye. I wish you and your family (and your guitar) the best in your future endeavours.

on Apr 27, 2010

You are always welcome back.  

on Apr 27, 2010

Will miss you Jack but admire the courage....

on Apr 27, 2010

Jack, you are one of the nicest people I've met here. You and Po ... well, I figure you two are of the funniest and best people around. Your shops made me want to learn Ps. I want to believe we'll meet again. So don't be gone long, 'coz I'm not getting any younger.

Please take care....and remember that there are folks who love you in this town, biyotch.


on Apr 27, 2010

Take care, Jack.

You'll be back sooner or later, we'll leave the light on for ya.

Damn...who do we blame now and how's Po going to handle not having a nemesis?

on Apr 27, 2010

Forum is acting screwy...had to edit that 3 times before it showed correctly.

on Apr 27, 2010

Damn...who do we blame now and how's Po going to handle not having a nemesis?


ahhh but there is 1 or 2 people that might fit the build * who said that*

on Apr 27, 2010

Go with the Lord and peace -- Best of luck in ANYTHING!!

on Apr 27, 2010

Ciao, Jack...... and for the record, you have enriched all of our lives as well...take care, God bless you...




on Apr 27, 2010

Goodbye Skinhit, you'll be missed greatly 

on Apr 28, 2010

You've sounded unsettled for quite awhile now... I hope all is well with you and yours.....and your new direction brings you happiness and all you wish for..

I remember coming to this forum 6 yrs ago and after quite some time tentatively putting in a comment here and there...with no acknowledgements....and thinking that it was going to be too hard to break into such an established group....... when one left a lovely kind comment on something I'd said in a thread......a first....and I remember thinking....'wow..I'm not invisible'....I've never forgotten...and I thank you for that 

It's a strange and unique little community we have here...people of all ages from all places...with one common interest.... we have our sadnesses....joys....and upsets.... You have shared the birth of your son....Grace growing up and learning skinning and her cool icons....the lovely pics of your gorgeous kids...your mischievous sense of humour with the Po' pics and well as your generous skinning talents and your support of your fellow skinners.  Everyone in this community leaves their unique imprint.....and for one to go missing...means it will never be quite the same.

I'm sorry you've removed all your hard work....your gallery is like your history with the community...your legacy....maybe one day we'll see it back...I hope so...

Au revoir Jack.....      I hope you find your way back here'll be missed 'til then....Best wishes for your future...


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