wow ! those are pretty COOL !! -- Ace --
They actually match Vaporglow ! wow
HIP HIP HOORAY... Skinhit is back to making icons again
Like WOW, WOW and double WOW.
This is the best thing to happen to skinning since MS f**ked up the UI in Windows XP and Stardock came to our rescue.
BTW, Jack, they're very, very nice.
Nice looking icons, Jack........Good to see you too
Those are fantastic Jack! Can't wait to get them!
twentyseven is sooo last year. twentyeight is looking good!
thanks ace!
I noticed that myself Andy!
Thanks Uvah!
Double thanks Starkers!!
Thanks Leo! You too.
Thank u Tom.
Haha thanks Wiz!
And I mean every word of it!!!
I started looking at all my IPs last night and was suddenly inspired! One day at a time
Thanks ID and RND!!!
You're most welcome, Jack, your icons always give me great pleasure and are a joyful additon to any desktop
Maybe I will get bitten again soon by the skinning bug. Glad you have, J!